This is just the beginning. We want to welcome you to some of the most gorgeous natural beauty in the world through this blog. Maybe you’ve been before and now you’re hooked, or you are exploring the Whitsundays for the first time. Either way, we’ve got the information you need to make the most of your vacation.
This travel blog is your ultimate preview of what you can expect when traveling through Whitsundays’ 70+ islands. Don’t worry, we believe in spoiler-free previews. The best of your trip will be experienced by you and only you, we just prepare you for that magical moment.
Weekly Updates
Every week I post an article highlighting the glory of this part of Australia. There is an unending amount of beauty to explore, and I share my discoveries as they happen. The weekly blog is also a great place to learn about featured restaurants, excursions, and wildlife in the area.
The goal of weekly posts is to help you feel connected to the Whitsundays all year round. Even after your vacation is over you can keep up with the locals. Learn how they live during the rainy season, see how they protect the nature around them, and take in the unique culture of Australia.
Highlights and Shoutouts
When new hotels and swanky bars open in the Whitsundays, be the first to know. We keep an eye on all the developing land in the area and love to send vacationers to fresh spots for a good time. These posts will also unearth some secret excursions that most people don’t find. Some are hard to get to, but always worth the effort.
We also never let a good deed or outstanding service go unrecognized. When local businesses go above and beyond to preserve nature, we give them a shoutout. And when local guides and experts take their time to explain to tourists how to stay safe and respect wildlife, we let you know about it.
Monthly Chats
Every month we host a live online chat where you can ask locals any questions you have about visiting the Whitsunday Islands. Many have used this opportunity to speak directly to business owners in the area. Some have even made rental and restaurant reservations directly with the homeowner or chef.
You can also talk to me, the author of the blog. Tell me what you loved reading about, topics you want to see more of, and share your favourite experiences from the Whitsundays. You may get featured in a future post.
Who Will Enjoy Reading this Blog
Anyone who has a passion for travel and exploration. The world has so much to offer and if you’re one of those people who wants to see as much as you can, this blog is for you.
The scariest thing about travel is the unknown. How will you get from point A to point B, what will everything cost, will everyone enjoy the trip? This blog eliminates those fears and gives you the inside scoop before you even land in Australia. Those traveling as a family will appreciate the practical advice for finding easy transportation and reasonably priced entertainment. Couples will enjoy learning the best way to enjoy a romantic getaway in the Whitsundays. No matter how you like to vacation, we have the information you need.
If you live in or near the Whitsunday Islands or are a frequent visitor, you’ll enjoy this guide as well. When you spend a lot of time in a place, you want to keep things fresh and exciting. Use this blog to help you find things you didn’t know were right around the corner. Get away from the crowds and find a secret hideaway that only locals know about. Make your home new again.
Whether you’ve been to the Whitsundays or not, you will love this blog if learning about new places is your thing. Add this blog to your reading list each week and learn about the rich culture in Australia. Find out how the Whitsunday Islands stay so clean. Discover the sea life that thrives in the great barrier reef.
Whitsundays Best is a blog meant to share meaningful insights about a place I am in love with. Through the years, some of the best moments of my life have been on these islands. Let me help you experience the same joy and wonder as you take your next adventure in the Whitsunday Islands.